Webinar: Patient Safety Organizations in the US: What You Need to Know About the Benefits and Legal Protections

Monday, May 8
12-1 PM CST | 1-2 PM EDT

Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) provide vital benefits and legal protections for both large and small US pharmacies, acute care, and healthcare organizations.

But what information is protected under PSOs and what’s not? Do protections really hold up in court? How can a PSO help you improve patient safety and enhance your practice? Is joining a PSO really worth it? 

Get answers to these questions and more – join our webinar where pharmacy and PSO experts will discuss everything you need to know about PSOs, the legal protections they provide, and how you can use PSO data to improve pharmacy operations and prevent medication errors.

We’ll cover:

  • How PSOs can help you with your ‘Just Culture’ journey
  • Examples where PSO protections were tested in court and the results
  • Where patient safety policies are going on a national and state level


Plus, we’ll briefly highlight key functionalities of the Pharmapod PSO, including risk management, real-time data and analytics, and explain how they help improve processes and protect your organization. 

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This webinar will be most beneficial for our US audience. Can't attend live? Register anyway to receive a recording.

Pharmapod is a member of the Think Research family of companies.